Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Well, by now Rylie has been in school for almost two weeks. Her first day was sad for me and Logan even cried. Now we are pros and sending her off to school and are even enjoying some much deserved Mommy and son time...even though will still miss Rylie in the morning. She leaves around 8 or 8:15 and then comes home around 11:15 or 11:20. We are still adjusting to our new morning schedule and its weird not having her around for a chunk of the day, but she is adjusting well and loves going to school. Here are a few pictures from her first day and her first bus ride (which happen this past Monday).


  1. You even got on the bus? Did you follow it? How cute she looks and she seems happy on the bus. What a big day for little miss Rylie!

  2. NO...I did not follow the bus! I wanted to but Eric told me it was stalkerish(?). I have to get on to buckle her in and then at school the teachers get her off and on. SAFETY, you know!
